Jon Neal Wallace, a distinctive voice in the art world, combines his passion for environmental advocacy with his unique artistic vision. Born and residing in Burlington, Iowa, Wallace’s artistic journey began with a high school art class that sparked a lifelong passion. His academic pursuits led him to the Academy of Art College in San Francisco and later to Vermont College of the UI&U in Montpelier, Vermont, where he majored in art and physics. Wallace’s academic achievements are highlighted by his influential thesis, “Light from Design,” which introduced his innovative design principle, Directions, intertwining light and sacred geometry.
Wallace’s artistic oeuvre is a testament to his commitment to environmental themes, which are vividly expressed through his series on Light, Rainforests, and National Parks. His process begins with overcoming the intimidation of a blank canvas by applying an underpainting, followed by the incorporation of thematic imagery, which he then reimagines in higher dimensions of light using his Directions principle. This method not only defines his style but also embeds a deeper meaning into each piece, reflecting his environmental concerns.