Maryse Pique, originally hailing from the vibrant island of Martinique, has charted a unique artistic journey that has taken her from her Caribbean roots through Europe to her current residence in Spain. A self-taught artist, Pique’s work is deeply infused with the colors and cultures that she has experienced throughout her life. Her approach to art is as much an evolution as it is a representation of her life’s journey, marked by her transitions from Martinique to France, the UK, and finally Spain. Each location has added a layer of depth and perspective to her creations, making her works rich tapestries of her experiences.
From her early days immersed in nature on Martinique to her professional life where she seamlessly integrated her artistic sensibilities into her work, Pique has always maintained a profound connection to her artistic side. Even while working in corporate environments, she found ways to express her creativity, underscoring her belief in the symbiosis between one’s career and personal passions. Her art is a reflection of her life’s philosophy—that beauty and inspiration can be found in every corner of existence, and that the natural and spiritual worlds offer endless inspiration.