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Nluz Love, born Roberto Palomo Camacho in Madrid, Spain, in 1972, is a photographic artist whose work delves into the profound connections between cosmic forces, digital innovation, and artistic intuition. Currently based in Móstoles, Spain, Love’s creative journey began in the late 1980s when he studied photography at the IES Luis Buñuel. Inspired by artists like Javier Esteban, Love felt a call to explore photography as a medium of expression, cultivating his skills and solidifying his commitment to the arts. Earning the title of Specialist Technician in Photographic Image, his early career involved working with architects, which deeply influenced his artistic perspective.

A pivotal moment in his journey came when he embraced digital photography in the early 2000s, expanding his expertise with advanced training at Yellow Consultores. It was during this period that he produced his first series, The Landscape of Architecture, blending innovative Photoshop techniques like motion blur with his own creative vision. This work garnered him critical acclaim, earning him the prestigious Lux Gold Award in Architecture and Interior Design from the AFP Association of Professional Photographers of Spain.

Today, Love remains at the forefront of photographic innovation, incorporating tools like artificial intelligence and advanced color management techniques into his creative process. His work explores the philosophical idea of “Cosmic Logic,” a concept rooted in the primacy of emotions over psychotic reasoning. For Nluz Love, photography transcends mere aesthetics—it becomes a channel for universal forces, enabling viewers to connect with timeless wisdom, futuristic ideas, and the emotional core of humanity.



Nluz Love’s body of work is marked by an intuitive approach that he describes as a dialogue with the cosmos. He believes that his creative process is not entirely his own but rather a harmonious collaboration with universal energies. His work transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, creating photographs that merge advanced digital techniques with an emotional resonance. From architectural landscapes to abstract compositions, Love’s works elevate familiar subjects into a superlative realm of knowledge.

A signature theme of Love’s photography is the interplay between reality and imagination. In his renowned photograph The Return of Light, he uses AI to craft a pink flower rendered in a painterly style reminiscent of Claude Monet’s garden scenes. Love describes this as a spiritual collaboration with Monet, enabled by the “magic of mathematical technology.” This integration of past artistic geniuses with cutting-edge technology defines Love’s approach, creating art that bridges eras and dimensions.

Across his career, Photoshop has been an indispensable tool in Love’s arsenal, enabling him to manipulate light, shadow, and color to produce images that are as visually stunning as they are thought-provoking. His work is a celebration of humanity’s potential to harness technology in service of creativity, offering a unique perspective that connects modern techniques with timeless artistic values.

La casa del arquitecto
Flow to me



My name is Nluz Love, and I see my art as an extension of the universe’s creative power. Photography, for me, is more than a medium; it is a language through which the cosmos speaks. I believe that intuition is a bridge between the tangible and the intangible—a form of communication that transcends human logic. My process is fluid and instinctive, yet I see it as a mathematical dance, where every image is an inevitable outcome of universal forces.

The themes of my work reflect this philosophy. I aim to transform the everyday into the sublime, revealing hidden dimensions of knowledge and emotion. My photographs are expressions of “Cosmic Logic,” where emotions guide the creative process, and technology acts as a collaborator. In The Return of Light, for instance, I felt the presence of Claude Monet, and through AI and digital techniques, his genius became part of my work. Such moments affirm my belief that art is a timeless dialogue, connecting the living and the departed through shared creativity.

As an artist, I feel a profound responsibility to share my vision with the world. Art has the power to advance society by fostering emotional and intellectual growth. Through my work, I hope to inspire others to see the interconnectedness of all things and to embrace the boundless possibilities of innovation and imagination.




  • 2024: Modern and Contemporary Art & Design, MoMA, New York, United States
  • 2005: Professional Digital Photography Printing, Image and Color Consulting, Villareal, Spain
  • 2004: High Quality Black and White Digital Photography, Yellow Consultores, Madrid, Spain
  • 2003: Advanced Digital Photography, Yellow Consultores, Madrid, Spain
  • 2003: Basic Digital Photography, Yellow Consultores, Madrid, Spain
  • 1992: Specialist Technician in Photographic Image, IES Luis Buñuel, Móstoles, Spain

Solo Exhibitions:

  • 2006: El Paisaje de la Arquitectura, IES Puerta Bonita, Madrid, Spain
  • 2006: The Landscape of Architecture, Real Sociedad Fotográfica Española, Madrid, Spain
  • 2006: El Paisaje de la Arquitectura, IES Luis Buñuel, Móstoles, Spain
  • 2005: The Landscape of Architecture, CC Galileo, Madrid, Spain

Group Exhibitions:

  • 2024: ARTBOXY – NICOLETA GALLERY, Berlin, Germany
  • 2024: ARTBOXY – CASA DEL ARTE, Palma, Spain
  • 2023: ARTBOXY – Lab Gallery, Los Angeles, United States
  • 2023: ARTBOXY – ARTBOX EXPO NEW YORK, New York, United States
  • 2022: ARTBOXY WYNWOOD – ART BASEL ART WEEK, Miami, United States
  • 2020: ARTBOXPROJECTS Miami 2.0 – Art Basel Art Weeks, Miami, United States


  • 2024: Merit Award, National Photography Society, Los Angeles, United States
  • 2024: New York I Love You Honorable Mention, CFA, Lyon, France
  • 2024: Masterful Mind Award, CFA, Lyon, France
  • 2024: International Prize Artist of the Year 2025, Effetto Arte Foundation, Florence, Italy
  • 2023: Honorable Mention in Architecture, B&W Spider Awards, Los Angeles, United States
  • 2021: Honorable Mention in Americana, B&W Spider Awards, Los Angeles, United States
  • 2006: Silver Award,, Toronto, Canada
  • 2005: Lux Plata Award in Architecture and Interior Photography, AFP, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2004: Lux Oro Award in Architecture and Interior Photography, AFP, Barcelona, Spain


  • 2024: WOA World of Art Magazine – Venice & MoMA Issue (Print & Digital)
  • 2024: Lens Magazine – Mix Edition
  • 2024: Masterful Minds Digital Magazine – Vol. 2 and Vol. 4
  • 2024: Black and White Spider Awards 18th Winners (eBook & Print)
  • 2023: Black and White Spider Awards 16th Winners – Americana (Video Edition)
  • 2021: Art Dealer Street – The Electronic Eye of Nluz Love
  • 2019: ARTBOX Projects Zurich 1.0 Catalog
  • 2010: Latin American Encyclopedia of Contemporary Artists
  • 2006: Revista Arte Fotográfico
  • 2005: Lux Awards Book

Media Features:





Instagram: @nluzlove